Pictures from our hike in Margala Hills near Islamabad are now uploaded on the site. Please see under the “Pakistan” tab.
Added: Photos from Lahore
It is a pleasure to present you for some photos from Aliah and my trip to Lahore, Cultural Capital of Pakistan, in February 2017. You can see the album under the Pakistan tab.
Now you can subscribe to info on updates
This is a very exciting development. You will receive a free email if you provide your email address and click “subscribe” on the front page. This has come about after huge demand from all followers of
Billeder fra Isabellas dåb
Det var en meget flot dåb Anne Isabella Westager Ramsing fik i Sank Katharina Kirken søndag den 21 maj 2017. Tak til præsten for en flot prædiken.
Det var ligeledes en usædvanlig flot og overdådig dåbsfest Lea og David havde stablet på benene i Marianes dejlige hus. Tusinde tak for den, det var sjovt at møde Lea og Davids venner, og Davids familie.
Nogle af billederne fra festen kan ses her: Isabellas dåb og dåbsfest
No more unsolicited emails from Ole’s site
Dear subscriber,
During the last week we have doubled the amount of subscribers, and thank you for your interest.
The issue mentioned with unsolicited posts on the site has been brought to a stop. It was the add-on Jetpack that was the culprit.
Pictures from Dieselhouse, H.C. Ørstedværket, and the surroundings in South Harbour, Copenhagen: